Language course levels


You can find more information about language course levels on the InfoFinland page Language course levels. If you want to find out your level, contact the Training providers.

Starting level 0

No Finnish language skills

Basic level (A1.1–A2.2)

Basic level begins A1.1 – Language basics

Basic level A1.2 – Language basics

Basic level A1.3 – You can use the language in simple non-work-related situations. You can write a little.

Basic level A2.1 – You can use the language to run the most common errands.

Basic level A2.2 – Your understanding of familiar subjects is reasonably good. You can write in simple language.

Intermediate level (B1.1–B2.2)

Intermediate level begins B1.1 – Moderate language skills in day-to-day work and leisure situations.

Intermediate level B1.2 – A fluent grasp of language in day-to-day work and leisure situations.

Intermediate level B2.1 – Basic level of independent language proficiency.

Intermediate level B2.2 – Functional level of independent language proficiency.

Advanced level (C)

Advanced level C – Language skills are excellent or comparable to a native speaker. There is also a more specific level classification for C-level courses, C1.1, C1.2, C2.1 or C2.2.